APAT NSW Inc is an association of Porcelain Art Teachers within New South Wales. We hold annual exhibitions of our work , from  the traditional forms of painting through to the very latest in modern designs. Onglaze porcelain painting is a fascinating art form incorporating many different products and techniques.  Some of our products are also used by ceramacists and glass artists.

22 thoughts on “ABOUT APAT NSW

    1. Thanks Faye, I have quite a few changes to make yet, but it takes a bit of time, rainy days like today are great, instead of playing tennis I have been doing apat stuff and working on the blog!

  1. Great to read your blog. PLEASE . . . . can someone tell me where to buy Gwenn’s Grounding Oil? I was told it was out of circulation which was a big disappointment as it is the best I have ever used, and nothing I have tried since is as good as Gwenn’s for good grounding. So can you tell me please? Please?

      1. To Kaye Hurn
        Di tells me that Gwens grounding oil was produced by Careys who are no longer in business and they have not passed the formula on to anyone. So I’m sorry but you wom’t be able to buy it!

  2. fantastic job girls. if this happens on rainy days then looking out my window suggests there is MORE APAT blog coming.

  3. Just had the most amazing 3 days in Mittagong at the Hermitage

    Venue set in beautifully maintained environs, rolling lush green hills, no noxious weeds to be seen, beef cattle fat and happy roaming amongst the grape vines, the accommodation comfortable and the country style cuisine delicious.

    Then to top it off learning new skills in lustres.

    I was at a 3 day retreat with some of the best porcelain artists in Australia – an incredibly relaxing, enriching experience, such as I have never before experienced.

    A big thank you to Deidre for organising the workshop and to the talented porcelain artists for all the helpful hints, which I will always treasure


  4. Hi APSTNSW,

    My mother in law (Patricia Mowbray ) was a marvellous and talented Porcelain Artist.
    She passed away this year and we have been left with a number of items of porcelain – unpainted.

    Do you know anyone in your organisation who would be in interested in buying these items?

    Kind regards

    Kay Mowbray

    1. Hello Kay, sorry to be so long in replying , could you please send me some contact details, tomorrow is an APAT meeting so it is an opportunity for our president to mention it to members, also I could include it in our next newsletter which will be in January, 2019. You can contact me at davisrs22@gmail.com Regards Sandra

  5. Dear APSTNSW
    My mother-in-law, Joan Curtis, whom some might remember as a very talented artist and supporter of this organisation, is very unwell and unfortunately we do not expect her to start painting again. We have a lot of white unpainted china and several large boxes of vials of colour for both porcelain and glass painting. Is there anyone interested in coming to North Rocks in Sydney to view and buy any of the china or vials? I usually don’t work Fridays and would be happy to make a time for them to come. My mobile is 0425224896 or you can email at the address below or jocurtis@bigpond.net.au.
    Kind regards
    Julie Curtis

    1. Hi Julie, thank you for contacting apat , there a some teachers in your area, I will contact Erica Harrison who lives at Dundas and ask her to contact you, she may be interested or know someone who would be. Please pass our best wishes onto Joan who was president when I joined apat. Sandra Davis

    1. Hi Stephen if you contact Colleen Moss who is listed on the Find a Teacher page, she lives in the area and has been a teacher for many years, she may know of Faye

  6. Great to find a contact I have been asked to find a home for a large collection of blank China painting porcelain pieces including cup saucers bowls and jewellery items also a large collection of China paints we are near Campbelltown NSW

  7. Hi all (new and used art supplies for sale)
    Cleaning up my mother’s china painting goodies after she recently moved into a nursing home in Wagga. Dorothy Prest was a long time painter, teacher and member of the NSW and national china painting teacher’s group ( I think since the 80s).
    I have trays of vials of plain colours (100s), metallic colours, lustres, glass colours, underlay, over-glazes, liquid flux, glass crystals, jewellery enamels, etc, etc. It’s too many to catalogue and list individually.
    Products are mainly from: Fay Good, Pollyanna, Josephine, & Floral,
    Other products: Tiffany, Russell Cowan, Vincent’s, Celia’s, Kitty Drok, Alexander Agencies, Schauer, Margaret Butter, the Porcelain Palette, Judith White, Argyle Craft Supplies.
    Misc items include little bottles of: boronia oil, pen oil, white raised paste, water-based medium, glass glue, glass enamel medium, etc.
    I don’t want to throw it all away – it would be of best use to teachers who would use a lot of stock for classes.
    I have put this notice on a few facebook pages that I have found (incl Sydney Porcelain Artists, SA Porc Art Teachers, and Aust Porc Artists) – would be easier to transport in or around Sydney (given COVID!)! Would prefer to sell as a total package rather than split is all up.
    Have included lots of pics on those facebook posts.
    Appreciate any advice as to what to do with it all otherwise!!!
    Have thrown out lots of old or split vials….I brought it back up to Sydney to sort and clean up as dad had packed it all up in a hurry….mum wasn’t impressed with that!
    Happy for someone to just make me a sensible offer – I’ll then try and get it all to you!
    Gabrielle Prest
    M 0423 649674
    E gabriellelp@msn.com.au

    1. Gabrielle I have included your message in the February APAT Newsletter. Hopefully your mum’s paints etc will find a good home, although our numbers are shrinking.
      Please say Hello to her from me, Sandra Davis, I have enjoyed your mum’s company at many APAT functions.

      1. thanks very much Sandra

        Yes, I have foudn a home for them now.

        I will say hi to her for you too!

        Cheers, G

        Gabrielle Prest M 0423 649674


  8. Hi guys just wondering if anyone has heard of Beryl Percival I have quite a few hand painted plates from an auction which I would like to sell on but not sure how Togo about this

  9. Hi I was wondering if you could assist me in steering me in the right direction regarding some very specific china painting books I have that were owned by my sister in law. She sadly has passed away and she had a large amount of books which don’t normally come up for sale on eBay as some are from specific exhibits overseas and I don’t know the true value of them.
    I live in the western suburbs and would consider donating some of them to enthusiasts rather than just put them in a op shop. However one particular book is not common as it is called “ Sublime Porcelain “ signed by the author Dr Samia Zada.  This is a collection of works presented at the International exhibition of paintings on porcelain in Cairo in 2000.
    Hope you steer me in the right direction and also advise whether the exhibition book has any value? 
    Thank you for any help in this regard.

    Monika Murphy

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